
So I don't know about you guys, but I have a tendency to be in my own head a lot. It's not necessarily a bad thing, it's just the way I was made. Good and bad. Sometimes, being in my own head with an issue, can take up a lot of 'room' and the past week wish, has been kinda crowded. It was an issue, mainly work related, but tapping into my sense of pride and worth. Those are two qualities if you will, that I have in bulk, and I nurse them both, as they help to make me the best person I can be.... alongside loyalty, compassion, eating all the ice cream without puking, you know, all the good ones.
Anyways, so in order to resolve this work related issue, I had to swallow some of that pride, and eat into some of that self worth. Not because I was in the wrong, but because otherwise, it would have ended with me speaking my mind a bit too loudly, and that would for sure have backfired.
So I'n my head, this issue has been hanging like a dark cloud, and I've just been waiting for today, partly angry, partly feeling I was not living up to my own person.
However, this morning i decided 'fuck no. I was not going into this all pissy and wanting to just get it over with, letting it run my day. I decided to practice a little PMA (positive mental attitude) and let that feeling take over, and just go with it.
I actually felt good all the way there, and then for a split second, thinking about the task at hand, of course I forgot, and even for long enough that I posted a middle finger selfie to my insta story

But seconds later, I reminded myself about my PMA plan, and I was back on track.

Honestly, even though I had to compromise with my self a bit, I ended up the winner of the day, In all aspects, just because I set my mind to it. I even committed enough that I actually spoke my mind, in a constructive way, and ended up on top of all of it.
So all in all, a good day, where I not just taught myself a lesson, I managed to speak up, and get my point across in a very clear constructive way.
Holy spitballs, who knew that was even possible.
Here is my selfie as I'm writing.
Till next time
Oh and PMA, is something i learned about from Toby Morse, singer of the band H2O. His insta posts are awesome, and if you're into good people, follow him.
Yes, thats fully clothed, in a robe.


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